Technology Resources
Student Laptops and Technology Support
This page will contain resources related to technology students may be using for classes. Your teachers are your first line of support when you need help with technology for their class. If they do not know the answer, they will refer you to the media center for assistance. If you are experiencing technical issues, you can also call the VCS Support Hotline at (386) 626-0095. They are available Monday-Friday from 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM.
Student laptops can be checked out from the media center anytime between 8:00-3:45 most days. Look through the 1:1 VCS DEVICE HANDBOOK to see what is expected of families when you check out a device. You must bring the signed 1:1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM the first time you check out a device at Spruce Creek. If you are having issues with your device, bring it to the media center for repair or a replacement during school hours.
Be sure to SIGN UP FOR LAPTOP INSURANCE (information is on pages 6-8) when you check out the device. It costs $30 per year and is free if you qualify for free and reduced lunch. The laptop insurance will ensure you do not have an expensive bill if you accidentally break your laptop screen or cause other damage. Chargers are not covered by laptop insurance. They cost $25 to replace. Visit the media center to purchase a replacement.
Parents with questions about laptop check outs, insurance, or repair should reach out to the media center at 386-322-6272 extension 37817. The school administrator in charge of technology concerns is our AP for Curriculum, Dr. Hammond. She can be reached at extension 37714.
Logging in to Student Laptops
Students login with the school email address ( and whatever you have chosen for your password. If this is your first time logging in, the temporary password should be your eight digit birthday (MMDDYYYY). If that doesn't work, you will need to ask one of your teachers to set a password for you or call the VCS help desk. Once you have logged in for the first time, you will need to change your password to something more secure. It should prompt you to change your password, but if it doesn't, click control+alt+delete once you are logged in and choose change a password.
If you have forgotten your password or you need assistance resetting it, you can contact any of your teachers. They all have the ability to reset your password to a temporary password. If you are locked out of your account or can't reach a teacher, you can contact the VCS help desk at 386-734-7190 extension 20000 to have them reset your password. Mrs. Murray is unable to reset passwords in the media center.
vPortal- Where All of Your Tools and Resources Live!
Sudents should be logging in to vPortal to check their school email and Canvas regularly. VPortal is where all learning applications and resources are housed for Volusia County students and teachers. You access vPortal by going to the Volusia County Schools website and clicking on vPortal.
Once you are inside vPortal, your instructional apps will be located on your screen. You will be using Gradebook (to see current schedule, current grades, and contact info for teachers), Office 365 (for your school email, Microsoft Teams, Word, Excel, and Powerpoint), and Canvas (for many courses this will be where lessons are housed, but all teachers will have a homepage with info about class). You will also find your digital textbooks and other resources for classes.
If you are missing any of these tiles or want to add anything into your vPortal, click on the + at the top of vPortal and search for the tile you need to add and press ADD.
Direct Access When VPortal is Down
If Vportal is ever down, you can access many of the programs needed with these direct links:
Focus Gradebook
SchoolCity (Click on the lock that says SAML under the sign in)
Office 365 (Email, Word, Excel, PPT, Teams)
Big Ideas Math Textbooks
NGLSync/Cengage Textbooks
McGraw Hill Textbooks
Savvas Textbooks
Class Zone Textbooks
HMH Textbooks
Achieve 3000
Algebra Nation
School News