Keep Track of Your Academic Progress With Focus!
(Screenshots are the View on a Phone)
The directions below are the same from your laptop or phone, but some of the options are harder to see on your phone, so that is what these screenshots show.
Make sure you are digging in to Focus to see your progress toward graduation, your test scores, your attendance, etc.
Step 1: Go to vPortal
Step 2: Click on Focus Gradebook
Step 3: Click on the three lines in the upper right corner of your screen and you will find all of the options for what you can see. (On a computer, these options are already visible on the left of your screen.)
Class Schedule
To see your schedule, just click on "Class Schedule." You may need to use the scroll bar to see the room numbers or you can click print schedule to open it up and save it as a screenshot on your phone.
Course Requests
To see the courses you requested for the following school year if you have already met with your counselor, click on "Class Requests." When looking at class requests, it will default to your current school year. Change the year to next year to see your future requests (or to make requests if the window is still unlocked).
Test Scores
To see your test scores, click on "My Information." This is the tricky part when viewing on a phone! To see your test scores when you click on "My Information," you need to click the little arrow on the left of screen to open up the additional options.
Step 6: Click on Assessment Information
Grad Requirements
If you click on this option, you will be able to see the credits you have earned and what you still need to take to graduate. A green check means you have met the requirement. It will also give you your cumulative weighted and unweighted GPA. Remember, GPAs are calculated based on the SEMESTER grades, not the quarter.