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Email our AVID Coordinator, Mr. Tony Plowden at with any questions. You can also reach out to our AVID counselor Mrs. Sarah Scaglia at with any questions.





The AVID program is an application based class. Students must be motivated to work toward success. AVID is not just another its heart, AVID is a philosophy...

Hold students accountable to the highest standards,
provide academic and social support,
and they will rise to the challenge.

AVIDAdvancement Via Individual Determination, is a global nonprofit organization dedicated to closing the achievement gap by preparing all students for college and other postsecondary opportunities. Established more than 30 years ago with one teacher in one classroom, AVID today impacts more than 800,000 students in 44 states and 16 other countries/territories.

How AVID Works

AVID brings research-based strategies and curriculum to educational institutions in elementary, secondary, and higher education. The AVID System annually provides more than 30,000 educators with training and methodologies across all content areas.

Who is an AVID Student?

AVID students are students in the academic middle, capable of completing a college preparatory path with support.  These students often are not realizing their full potential academically, although some are and are just seeking a little extra support. 

       You may be well-suited for AVID if you:

  • work well with others
  • have a positive attitude in school
  • do your homework
  • want to challenge yourself
  • are willing to try different methods for learning and keeping track of assignments
  • want to understand class material (math, English, science, history) more thoroughly
  • may not have support at home for academic and college planning
  • will be a first generation college student
  • would earn better grades with more support in learning methods and organization
  • would enjoy being a part of a mini-community in high school

       If this list describes you, this class may be for you! 

Who is not well-suited for AVID?

This class is NOT for you if you prefer to work alone, don't plan to go to a 4-year college or have a career in mind, don't take learning seriously, or repeatedly miss class assignments. This is not a course for remedial or at-risk students; it is not intended to be a last resort for students who are failing courses.

What AVID Does

  • Teaches skills and behaviors for academic success
  • Provides intensive support with tutorials and strong student/teacher relationships
  • Creates a positive peer group for students
  • Develops a sense of hope for personal achievement gained through hard work and determination
  • Develops students’ critical thinking, literacy, and math skills

Once Selected for AVID, What are the Student Requirements?

AVID students must:

  • Attend an AVID elective class
  • Enroll in one or more advanced academic class (Honors or AP) each semester
  • Maintain satisfactory citizenship and attendance in all classes
  • Maintain the AVID binder with assignment/grade record sheets and daily notes in all classes
  • Complete all homework assignments and commit to studying every night




Offered:                Grade 9

Length:                  Year

Prerequisite:        Application and Interview



Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is a rigorous elective class that provides support for students in the AVID college preparatory curriculum through curricular and tutor-facilitated study groups.  This course is designed to enable students to develop fundamental skills and strategies in Focused note-taking, oral and written communication, time management, study skills for advanced courses, organization, problem solving and inquiry.  This course also guides students to pursue a college education and assists in the exploration and application process.  Career exploration is introduced as part of college planning.  There is an emphasis on analytical writing, preparation for college entrance and placement exams, study skills and test taking, note-taking, and research. In AVID, students participate in activities that incorporate strategies focused on writing, inquiry, collaboration, and reading to support their academic growth.




Offered:                Grade 10

Length:                  Year

Prerequisite:        Application and Interview


Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is a rigorous elective class that provides support for students in the AVID program through curricular and mentoring activities.  This course is designed to enable students to develop basic skills and strategies in Focused note-taking, oral and written communication, time management, study skills for advanced courses, organization, problem solving, and inquiry.  This course also guides students to pursue a college education and assists in the exploration and application process.  This course increases career exploration.  There is an emphasis on analytical writing, preparation for college entrance and placement exams, study skills and test taking, note-taking, and research. In AVID, students participate in activities that incorporate strategies focused on writing, inquiry, collaboration, and reading to support their academic growth.




Offered:                Grade 11

Length:                  Year

Prerequisite:        Application and Interview

AVID 3 is the first part in a junior/senior seminar course that focuses on writing and critical thinking expected of first- and second-year college students. This course is organized around the theme of “Leadership as a Catalyst for Change in Society.” Students study exceptional leaders in contemporary society and examine the effect these individuals have had on culture, politics, education, history, science, and the arts.  The course requires that students read essays, speeches, articles and letters by these leaders, as well as at least one full-length work by the leader or about the leader.  In addition, each student is required to conduct a research project that is presented in the senior year.  In addition to the academic focus of the AVID Seminar, there are college bound activities, methodologies and tasks that should be undertaken during the junior year to support students as they apply to four-year universities and confirm their post-secondary plans.




Offered:                Grade 12

Length:                  Year

Prerequisite:        Application and Interview

AVID 4 is the second part in a junior/senior seminar course that focuses on writing and critical thinking expected of first- and second-year college students.  This course continues around the theme of “Leadership as a Catalyst for Change in Society.”  Students will complete a final research essay project from research conducted in their junior year in AVID.  In addition to the academic focus of the AVID Senior Seminar, there are college bound activities, methodologies and tasks that should be achieved during the senior year that support students as they apply to four-year universities and confirm their post-secondary plans.

You learn more about AVID on the district website and on the national AVID website