Academy of Finance
About the Academy of Finance
OUR MISSION: The Spruce Creek High School Academy of Finance develops students into fiscally responsible young professionals with broad transferrable financial skills.
The Academy of Finance (AOF) is one of Volusia County Schools largest and highest rated career academies. Currently, in its 21st school year, AOF boasts a 9th-12th grade roster of 300+ honors level students. AOF’s 4-year program is built around educating students to be fiscally responsible. Whether they are interviewing for their first job, writing a check, budgeting for college or buying their first car, AOF students are prepared to make wise, well thought out financial life choices.
The Academy of Finance exposes students to the financial services industry. Students should be comfortable with numbers and have a strong desire to excel. People who are good game players and are willing to adhere to high ethical and moral standards are well suited for business and financial professions. Through enrollment in the Academy of Finance students are prepared with the analytical, mathematical and verbal skills needed in higher education and the financial services industry.
Completion of the Academy of Finance helps to prepare students for post-secondary education, not only in finance-related majors, but also for any program requiring a strong foundation in business, social studies, math, and language arts.
The Academy is a four-year application program where students learn about different areas of business and financial services. We offer an integrated curriculum where business topics are covered in core classes and core subjects are covered in the business classes.
• 9th Grade: Business Communication and Technology
• 10th Grade: Economics and Financial Services
• 11th Grade: Financial Accounting
• 12th Grade: Personal Finance
To apply, fill out the Volusia County Schools application at and return it to Spruce Creek High School. The Academy of Finance (AOF) accepts rising 9th and 10th graders. Applications must be returned by the district deadline; applications turned in after the deadline may not be considered.
• We accept 60 – 90 freshmen each year
• We accept limited numbers of sophomores each year
• Up to 50% of our students can be out of zone
• In-zone freshmen can do both IB and AOF programs
• District deadlines are crucial- follow the deadlines on the application posted on the district website at
AOF students are expected to maintain solid GPAs, have minimal absences, have a good discipline record, follow AOF dress days, and participate in two required fundraisers each year.